jueves, 9 de octubre de 2008


I introduce you to Jasmel. Jasmel came to me a hot afternoon in the summer when I was a child. That day, I could only catch a glimpse of him. He had long blue hair and a sweet perfume of grass. Then, he disappeared. For a long time, he was sleeping between words and teenager’s notebooks. I almost forgot him, until, one day, when I cleaned out my drawers, he jumped as a cat and he grabbed me round the waist. Since that moment, he never left me and, in the course of time, I’m learning to walk with him without losing my step.

As I said to you, Jasmel has blue hair, but, the first afternoon, I couldn’t see the silver highlights that made his hair shine. Jasmel’s face is like that of an American Indian, just as you can see in westerns. He dresses traveller’s clothes, light and cool. He has a long navy blue cloak like a starry sky. Jasmel believes in magic and he uses it. Jasmel loves magic because magic gives impossible worlds. But you must always use the magic with a good sense, because magic is life itself and it often grants your wishes just as you asked for.

Jasmel has a green small bag where he keeps my dreams: small, big or crazy dreams, possible or impossible and those I forgot. From time to time, he opens the small bag, he looks at me in the eyes and says to me: “remember”. I think I’m a positive person and I never lost hope because Jasmel saves my dreams and because for him my dreams are never ending.

Sometimes, Jasmel leaves me. I suppose he has another business. I don’t think he’s only mine. He stays with me because he wants to, when he wants and when I really need him. When I’m without him, I feel a little lost and sad. When he goes away, I feel that my young spirit goes away. When he’s with me I can do every thing. I’m creative and crazy, adventurous and daring, funny and happy. Anyway, even if he runs away from me, I know he’s faithful to me, he always comes back to me with a big smile and the small bag full of new dreams. He doesn’t want cries, tears or reprimands. He’s free, and I like it, because of that he gives me freedom.

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